Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Book 8 - "My Best Sweet Potato" by Rainy Dohaney

Usually I read Mysha atleast one of her story books (that we are take home) at the library itself and not surprisingly that one is often her favorite one for the next 3 weeks that she gets to keep her books.

This story is about a little girl "K" whose favourite toy "Wollyman" goes missing. Usually K did everything from eating, swimming and racing together with Wollyman and usually Wollyman said boring stuff like "You are my best friend" when his string was pulled. But one day after mommy put her in the washing machine, he would always say "sweet potato" in every sentence. On one of K's usual day trip out she put Wollyman on a tree. Little "Mac" the weaverbird saw her. He took fancy of Wollyman and carried it way and he became a good friend. But K? she had kind of lost her world. Then one day she puts pictures of Wollyman on all the trees and Mac sees here sniffing. He realises that Wollyman has a buddy and then puts it back when he picked it up from. K is very very happy to see her Wollyman and as she grabs him he says, "Lets go for a ... sweet potato"

Rating: 4*
Review: The little girl is almost something any girl relates to and with a toy is completes the picture. The emotions of having, losing and then getting back a toy is most wonderfully expressed. The title and the situation of "sweet potato" was a little weird though.

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