Thursday, January 27, 2011

Arna's day with Mysha

Last evening we had Jagan, Hasika and Arna come over for dinner. I love families with kids of Msyha's age. The kids seem to play so well with each other in Mysha's room leaving us to have a good conversation. Mysha did truly have a good time with Arna and they ended it with a quick playtime at the piano.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Who's that?

On one of Mysha's daily evening playtimes, I happened to chat with one of my friends and lost track of time. When I regained alertness, I did a sweeping glance to see where Mysha was... I almost missed her... there she was, on the ground, behind the shrubs, with her favorite friend Niki. What exactly were there doing? A closer look and they were actually in their kitchen making some food (only with mud :))

Oh how I love kids' imagination!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Obbsessed with stickers

 Mysha's obsession with stickers is growing ... need some evidence?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday breakfast picnic

We live at such a beautiful river side place that I felt it was a shame that we don't consider it as a picnic spot like the others who visit the place. So this Sunday I promised Mysha that we will go for a breakfast picnic. After the usual biscuit dose for Mysha, our bags packed with sandwiches, biscuits and chips, we picked up Mysha's bicycle and off we went towards the river. Mysha had her usual bike ride on a road circling the river and then we settled down on our make-shift picnic mat. Just then, Ilyas called up after he woke up and we asked him to join in too... oh was this simple and enjoyable. I am sure there are many more Sunday breakfast picnics to come :)

Three Little Devils

All three - Abha, Aditi and Mysha were feeling a bit drowsy after dinner. Seeing the older one Abha go to sleep in the bed, the other two kids jumped right in.

Well... I asked for a smile and this is what I got :)

Lakdi Ki Kaathi

Here is one pending one recorded since a very long time ...

Yi Shan Yi Shan

Yes there is proof that Msyha learns Chinese at school! Listen to her version of Twinkle Twinkle

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mama, a playground there!

Usually when I take Mysha to the library we have sert routine to wrap up in 1 hr, partly because I have other things to do (really?) and partly because that is Mysha's attention span. The other day when I was at the library, I was looking at some books near the window when Mysha came by, pointed at the window and said "look Mama there is a playground there". I knew what was coming next ..."can we play there for some time". Usually I would have just dismissed it, but since I had nothing better to do, we decided to stop by and swing. Mysha completely enjoyed herself and so did I...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dada Dadi gone to India

Ahhahh, its one of those sad times of the year when Dada Dai leave for India .. well not for a day, not for a week, not for a month but for THREE whole months :(

We went to see them off at the airport and on the way Mysha when I mentioned to Mysha that its time to say "Good Bye", she screamed back saying "No Good Bye - Dada Dadi don't go to India". So when we did after all bid them Salam, she broke out into a crying spell ... AWAAWW. Somehow I feel she is big enough now to miss them. Here is picture on the airport with Dadi while we waited for the wheelchair

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mysha First Bicycle :)

We have been contemplating getting Mysha a cycle for a long time now. The last trigger was when Nandika said she had one ... So finally here it is - a pretty little one in Mysha's favourite color - purple

A little tall for her, she almost gave up on the first day of trial. Then I told her that unless she enjoyed it she would not like it and pointed out to other boys riding their cycles. The point stuck immediately and she said "Mama I WILL enjoy it" and sprung into action. Then there was no looking back.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New swimming costume

Well this was long due I must say... her last one was REALLY small now and we used to just pull her in somehow ;) but the event of buying just kept postponing  :) Anyway, she was so excited with it (after all it was PURPLE) that she spent the entire evening in her swimming costume. ...caught this shot of her enjoying her dip in the baby pool today.

My new and old friends and a painting gift that had to be completed before sleeping

This weekend (Saturday to be precise) was Sushil's b'day. Coincidently we had invited his family, Joicy's family and Sanman over for dinner. Mysha is very happy whenever there is a party at home so she had a totally rocking time being pampered by everyone.

At cake cutting, she was the first one to get a piece and Joicy and Dolly helped her with her dinner and to top it all she got a glass painting gift from Joicy. We kept her from opening it for quite a while but finally after dinner we opened it. She got very interested and curious about it and with Dolly's guidance started painting. Even after everyone left she refused to sleep and insisted on finishing it. Realising that she was not going to give in, I joined in the party and helped her finish it. It took nearly half past 12 at night to finish the last stroke!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

East Coast Park Picnic

One of the week days Vini and I decided to take Nandika and Mysha out to the East Coast beach on a picnic.Well that weather was not perfect but Dec/Jan is the season of rain the Singapore - but would that really deter us? The clouds were gathering in the background as the kids played in the sand with Anna.

Then it started drizzling so we packed up our things and walked to covered hut near the beach. And then came out the lovely sandwiches and biscuits that Vini made for us. We devoured them all in a jiffy. Then Mysha and Nandika found company in another boy who was waiting in the shade with us.

Soon it was time to go. Vini caught this shot of Mysha and Nandika with me just before we left.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Uncle Mo's BIG BEAR GIFT!!!

It was when he first saw Mysha that Mo, my colleague from Morgan, gave her a big brown teddy bear. The other day I received a message from him and gladly showed Mysha his photo. Mysha spent the next 10 min playing with her big teddy (who still sleeps with her in bed) and looking at Mo's photo ...
Long live Mo and his BIG BEAR GIFT!!!

Medicines - Who says they scare me?

Well, its just one of those frequent weeks in which Mysha caught a cold. Is she good with medicines? Mostly yes I would say - for all the oral medications atleast. On this occasion she decided to stack up all the medicines ... wowhoho here down falls the stack - careful!!

Kite Flying (yet again)

On this beautiful Sunday, Ilyas just suggested casually to Mysha that the weather was so good that we should go kite flying and sure Mysha held him to his word. Ilyas sent the kite rocketing up in the sky and gave it to Mysha to hold. Obviously see was thrilled to the bone. At times the wind was so strong that she commented "It is pulling me up Papa". Later I joined in too and we just chilled out sitting in the grass while holding on to the kite...